
Report cover

New INDEX thematic briefing: Deprivation of nationality and the prevention of statelessness in Europe

This briefing summarises how countries perform on deprivation of nationality.
22 Lug 2021
Faces of statelessness in the Czech Republic report cover

UNHCR publishes new study on statelessness in the Czech Republic

In December 2020, UNHCR in the Czech Republic published a new study - Faces of Statelessness in the Czech Republic - based on in-depth interviews...
8 Feb 2021
Photo: UNHCR & Greg Constantine

UNHCR publishes audit of statelessness determination in the UK

UNHCR published an audit of the UK’s statelessness determination procedure.
19 Gen 2021
Portuguese passport cover

Changes to the Portuguese Nationality Act come into force

On 11 November 2020, changes to the Portuguese Nationality Act entered into force. While the amendments do not directly affect statelessness...
18 Gen 2021

French National Assembly report on children without identity around the world

A new report by the French National Assembly, published in September 2020, assesses the situation of children without identity in the world.
18 Nov 2020

Updated and disaggregated data published on stateless persons in Spain

For the first time, the Office of Asylum and Refuge in Spain has published disaggregated data on statelessness.
3 Set 2020

Ukraine introduces a new statelessness determination procedure

A new bill introducing a statelessness determination procedure has entered into force in Ukraine on 18 July 2020.
17 Lug 2020

New INDEX thematic briefing: Birth registration and the prevention of statelessness in Europe

Read our new briefing on birth registration and the prevention of statelessness
5 Mag 2020
Skopje, Parliament building

North Macedonia accedes to the 1961 Statelessness Convention

On 3 January 2020 North Macedonia acceded to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
7 Gen 2020

Malta accedes to the 1954 Convention relating to the status of stateless persons

This is a welcome development in Malta’s approach to protecting people affected by statelessness, however
17 Dic 2019

German ‘Migration Package’ poses increased risk of detention for stateless people

In June 2019, the German Parliament approved a new 'migration package' with tighter detention and deportation rules which may negatively...
1 Nov 2019

Latvia takes a decisive step towards eliminating childhood statelessness

On 17 October Latvia's parliament passed legislation that will mean that from 2020, no child will be born in Latvia with "non-citizen...
30 Ott 2019

Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 36th Session of the Universal Periodic Review - Bulgaria

The European Network on Statelessness, the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) and the Foundation for Access to Rights have prepared a...
3 Ott 2019

Children of French fighters blocked in Syria and Iraq at risk of statelessness

Children born to foreign fighters with French nationality in Iraq and Syria are at risk of statelessness and lack access to birth registration,...
9 Set 2019

Des enfants de combattants français de Daesh bloqués en Syrie et en Irak exposés au risque d’apatridie

Les enfants nés de combattants étrangers de nationalité française en Irak et en Syrie risquent l'apatridie et n'ont pas accès à l'...
9 Set 2019

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