Statelessness Briefing Note
Year of publication: December 2021Country: Malta
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
aditus foundation & ENS
L'apatridie et la rétention administrative en France
Year of publication: September 2021Country: France
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Forum réfugiés-Cosi
Socio-economic rights of a person recognized as stateless in Ukraine and a person who has applied to be recognized as stateless under the statelessness determination procedure (Ukrainian)
Year of publication: September 2021Country: Ukraine
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Right to Protection (R2P) & ENS
La procédure d'apatridie et les droits relatifs au statut d'apatride en France (FR)
Year of publication: September 2021Country: France
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Forum réfugiés-Cosi
Socio-economic rights of a person recognized as stateless in Ukraine and a person who has applied to be recognized as stateless under the statelessness determination procedure (English)
Year of publication: September 2021Country: Ukraine
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Right to Protection (R2P) & ENS
The statelessness determination procedure and rights relating to the status of stateless persons in France (EN)
Year of publication: September 2021Country: France
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Forum réfugiés-Cosi
Statelessness determination and protection in Europe
Year of publication: September 2021Country: Global
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
European Network on Statelessness
Pour un statut d'apatride
Year of publication: September 2021Country: Belgium
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee on North Macedonia
Year of publication: August 2021Country: North Macedonia
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 40th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
Year of publication: July 2021Country: Moldova
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Law Center of Advocates, European Network on Statelessness & Institute on Statelessness and Inclusio
Joint submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Netherlands
Year of publication: July 2021Country: Netherlands
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
ASKV Refugee Support , ENS and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI)
Joint Submission for the 72nd session of the Committee against Torture - Netherlands
Year of publication: June 2021Country: Netherlands
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission for the 71st session of the Committee against Torture - Belgium
Year of publication: June 2021Country: Belgium
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Situation assessment of statelessness, health, and COVID-19 in Europe
Year of publication: April 2021Country: Albania
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
I Am Human
Year of publication: April 2021Country: United Kingdom
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications