I Am Human
Year of publication: Duben 2021Country: United Kingdom
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Submission to inform the European Commission 2021 Enlargement Package: progress towards addressing statelessness in Enlargement countries
Year of publication: Duben 2021Country: Albania
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR39 - Hungary
Year of publication: Březen 2021Country: Hungary
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, ENS & ISI
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR39 - Ireland
Year of publication: Březen 2021Country: Ireland
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications
Immigrant Council of Ireland, ENS & ISI
Quick Guide: Researching Statelessness
Year of publication: Březen 2021Country: Global
Theme: Statelessness population data
Publication type: Publications
Praxis, Overview of obstacles to exercising the right to registration in birth registry books, acquisition of citizenship and registration of permanent residence in 2020
Year of publication: Únor 2021Country: Serbia
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Child Statelessness in Poland - Legal Analysis
Year of publication: Prosinec 2020Country: Poland
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center
Faces of Statelessness in the Czech Republic
Year of publication: Prosinec 2020Country: Czechia
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Persons at Risk of Statelessness in Serbia
Year of publication: Listopad 2020Country: Serbia
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR38 - Latvia
Year of publication: Říjen 2020Country: Latvia
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR38 - Belgium
Year of publication: Říjen 2020Country: Belgium
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Good practice papers Action 6: Establishing Statelessness Determination Procedures for the Protection of Stateless Persons
Year of publication: Červenec 2020Country: Global
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR37 - Austria
Year of publication: Červenec 2020Country: Austria
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Asylkoordination Österreich, Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst, ENS & ISI
Thematic briefing: Birth registration and the prevention of statelessness in Europe
Year of publication: Červenec 2020Country: Global
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
European Network on Statelessness
Analysis of the Legal Framework Concerning Stateless Persons and Persons at Risk of Statelessness in Croatia
Year of publication: Červenec 2020Country: Croatia
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications