Guide pratique sur l’apatridie (pour les professionnels du droit des étrangers)
Year of publication: Červen 2020Country: Belgium
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Input to the Census of Population and Housing 2021
Year of publication: Květen 2020Country: Malta
Theme: Statelessness population data
Publication type: Publications
aditus foundation
Guidelines on Statelessness No.5: Loss and Deprivation of Nationality
Year of publication: Květen 2020Country: Global
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Principles on Deprivation of Nationality as a National Security Measure
Year of publication: Březen 2020Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Statelessness Determination in the UK
Year of publication: Leden 2020Country: United Kingdom
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Submission to inform the European Commission 2020 Enlargement Package: progress towards addressing statelessness in Enlargement countries
Year of publication: Leden 2020Country: Albania
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR36 - Croatia
Year of publication: Říjen 2019Country: Croatia
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications
CRP Sisak, ENS & ISI
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR36 - Bulgaria
Year of publication: Říjen 2019Country: Bulgaria
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Mikolenko v. Estonia
Year of publication: Říjen 2019Country: Council of Europe
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Caselaw
European Court of Human Rights
Thematic Joint Submission to the CRC - Hungary
Year of publication: Září 2019Country: Hungary
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Publications
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, ENS & ISI
Mapping Statelessness in Poland
Year of publication: Září 2019Country: Poland
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR35 - Spain
Year of publication: Červenec 2019Country: Spain
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
Fundacion Cepaim, ENS & ISI
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 35th Session of the Universal Periodic Review on Türkiye
Year of publication: Červenec 2019Country: Türkiye
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: Publications
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion and European Network on Statelessness
Country Briefing: Statelessness and refugees in the Netherlands
Year of publication: Červen 2019Country: Netherlands
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
ENS, ASKV & Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at UPR34 - Slovenia
Year of publication: Březen 2019Country: Slovenia
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
The Peace Institute, ENS & ISI