Mapping Statelessness in The United Kingdom
Year of publication: janvier 2011Country: United Kingdom
Theme: Detention
Publication type: Publications
UNHCR & Asylum Aid
Geneva Conclusions
Year of publication: décembre 2010Country: Global
Theme: Statelessness determination and status
Publication type: Publications
Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)13 on the nationality of children
Year of publication: décembre 2009Country: Council of Europe
Theme: Prevention and reduction
Publication type: Legislation
Council of Europe
Kadzoev, C-357.09 PPU
Year of publication: novembre 2009Country: Bulgaria
Theme: Detention
Court of Justice of the European Union
Convention on the Avoidance of Statelessness in relation to State Succession
Year of publication: janvier 2006Country: Albania
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: International and regional treaties
Council of Europe
European Convention on Nationality
Year of publication: novembre 1997Country: Albania
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: International and regional treaties
Council of Europe
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
Year of publication: janvier 1961Country: Albania
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: International and regional treaties
United Nations
Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
Year of publication: janvier 1954Country: Albania
Theme: International and Regional Instruments
Publication type: International and regional treaties
United Nations